Publicity /Promotion of Bollywood films

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 26th Jun 2021 | देश

New delhi 26-06-2021,sunil kumar ,VNI


. Publicity is the public visibility or awareness for any product, service or company. It may also refer to the movement of information from its source to the general public, often but not always via the media. 

 film promotion generally includes press releases, advertising campaigns, merchandising, franchising, media and interviews with the key people involved with the making of the film, like actors and directors.



It has now become a ritual for upcoming films to be seen on television shows, TV serials, and of course, social media promotions.***

Gone are the days when filmy posters were enough to create a buzz.
Today, film publicity has gone a notch higher. It has now become a ritual for upcoming films to be seen on television shows, TV serials, and of course, social media promotions. Apart from this, Bollywood is always trying to woo its audiences. Take Raees, for instance. Shah Rukh boarded a train from Mumbai to promote his film.  Movie promotions differ from film to film and it has become a lot about innovation. ********

Gone are the days when film promotion in Bollywood was limited to trailers, posters, and hoardings. Filmmakers and actors have given up outdated methods to try something new.














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