The supremacy of national interest should prevail above all else

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 20th May 2023 | VNI स्पेशल

Dongargarh, Chttisgadh, May 20 (Anupma Jain/ VNI) Revered Saint Shiromani 108 Acharya Shri Vidyasagar ji Maharaj  has said that  we should employ our memory not for vengeance, but for advancement, ensuring the progress of our families, society, and the entire nation . During today's discourse, Acharya Shri employed an anecdote to convey a message. In a certain location, a group of approximately four or five individuals were engrossed in a discussion. Simultaneously, a serpent began emerging from a distance. Suddenly, an individual hurled a rock toward it, causing the serpent to swiftly turn its attention towards that  huge stone . The serpent perceived that the stone-thrower intended to harm it, and it believed that these individuals were collaborating to eliminate it. Consequently, the serpent made the decision to depart 
One week later, numerous individuals were slumbering together in a single location during the night. At that moment, the serpent approached the sleeping group and began scrutinizing their visages. Initially, it meandered over each person, yet failed to locate its desired target. Subsequently, it retraced its steps and resumed observing their countenances. Eventually, it identified the same individual who had previously launched the stone towards it. Without delay, the serpent sank its fangs into the person and hastily departed from the scene, resulting in a state of pandemonium and turmoil.  
The serpent, being a sentient creature, possesses consciousness and the ability to retain memories, referred to as 'jaati smaran' in scriptures. These memories resurface in future occurrences or even in subsequent lives. Despite contemporary scientific knowledge lacking conclusive evidence or explanations regarding this phenomenon, the serpent sought retribution based on its memories. Today, it is imperative for parents to consider the purpose of their children's education and how they will utilize it. In the past, businesspeople traveled abroad for trade, whereas now, children are packaged and sent abroad with the aim of monetary gain. However, the primary objective of a student should be national interest. By prioritizing national interest, their own interests will naturally be fulfilled.
In today's political landscape, it is evident generally  during elections that the winning party focuses  on their own  agemda, while the opposition desires to undermine them for a five-year term. However, it is crucial to transcend this opposition mindset and contemplate the greater good of the nation. Only then can national interests be served. If the recent decision to ban the 2000-rupee note is made in the interest of the nation, we must support it. The intention behind recounting the snake's parable is to emphasize that if a conscious creature like the snake can enhance its memory power for the sake of revenge, students should likewise develop their memory power to achieve their goals and serve the nation's interests, leading to success in their lives.
Acharya Shri Vidyasagar Maharaj Sangh is currently blessing Chandragiri Dongargarh Teerthsthal with his presence 
According to  Nishant Jain (Nishu), the trustee of Chandragiri Dongargarh,today, the fortunate family of Brahmacharini Pragya Didi of Nagpur, had the privilege of  offering  navadha bhakti poorn ahaara to  Acharya Shri at Pratibha Sthali. The President of Chandragiri Trust, Seth Singhai Kishore Jain, along with Subhash Chand Jain, Chandrakant Jain, Nikhil Jain (Trustee), Mr. Prakash Jain (Pappu Bhaiya), and Mr. Saprem Jain (Joint  Secr) extended heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on this occasion. Seth Singhai Kishore Jain, President of Digambar Jain Chandragiri Atishya Teerth Kshetra, conveyed that devotees from near and far are visiting Acharya Shri, and arrangements for their accommodation and meals are being made. It is advised to notify the office in advance to ensure all necessary arrangements are in place for the devotees.

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