New delhi, 06 May, (sunil kumar ,VNI) “WE DON’T MAKE MOVIES TO MAKE MORE MONEY. WE MAKE MONEY TO MAKE MORE MOVIES.”,good film makers aways believe in this .
R. K. studio founded by actor Raj Kapoor, headquartered at Chembur, Mumbai. It was founded in 1948. It had a unpleasant start, as its first movie, Aag (1948) did not perform well at the box office.
RK Films(banner of Raj Kapoor) produced many films over the years including ‘Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai’, ‘Mera Naam Joker’, ‘Satyam Shivam Sundaram’, ‘Prem Rog’ and ‘Ram Teri Ganga Maili’ which was Raj Kapoor’s last film. His Ist film ‘AAG” was not a success However, it tasted success with ‘Barsaat’ starring Nargis.One of the posters of ‘Barsaat’ showing Raj Kapoor holding Nargis in one arm and a violin in another became iconic. RK then decided to immortalise Nargis with a logo of RK studio
The iconic R.K. Studios set in the eastern suburbs of Mumbai, Chembur was sold to Godrej Properties recently . Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, her father Randhir Kapoor and uncle Rishi Kapoor have spoken about this huge "emotional loss". R.K. Studios was gutted in fire on September 16, 2017, which burnt the living memories of the late Raj Kapoor and films made under that banner.
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