Unveiling the Miraculous Powers of Alum: Unlocking its Astonishing Benefits in Ayurveda

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 15th Jun 2023 | VNI स्पेशल

New Delhi 15 June (VNI) Alum, also known as phitkari, is a salt-like substance with a range of uses and benefits. According to Ayurveda  Alum possesses several important properties that contribute to its overall benefits. It is an antibacterial agent, exhibits antiplatelet properties, acts as an antihemorrhagic agent, and has anti-inflammatory potential. Additionally, alum serves as an anti-dandruff and anti-astigmatic agent.

Benefits of Alum:
Medicinal Uses:
a. Treatment of Bleeding Piles:
Alum can be used to effectively treat bleeding piles by reducing swelling and promoting healing. A mixture of alum ash and honey taken twice a day after meals can alleviate the symptoms.

b. Management of Whooping Cough:
Alum helps control whooping cough by reducing mucus accumulation in the lungs. Consuming a mixture of alum ash and honey twice a day after light meals can be beneficial.

c. Control of Menorrhagia:
Alum ash, with its astringent and hemostatic properties, can help manage abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding. Following the same preparation as for cough and piles can provide relief.

d. Wound Healing:
Alum aids in the healing of wounds by reducing swelling and promoting the restoration of normal skin texture. Applying a solution of alum powder and water to the wound two to three times a day after cleaning the area can accelerate the healing process.

e. Healing Mouth Ulcers:
Alum's astringent and healing properties make it beneficial for quick healing of mouth ulcers. Applying a mixture of alum powder and honey to the affected area once or twice a day can provide relief.

Other Uses:
a. Water Purification:
Alum is widely used as a purification agent for drinking water. Its ability to remove impurities and suspended particles makes water safe for consumption.

b. Styptic Agent:
Alum is utilized in styptic pencils to stop bleeding from minor cuts. Its astringent properties help in clotting blood and promoting wound healing.

c. Modeling Clay:
Alum is an ingredient in commercial modeling clay, providing texture and firmness for sculpting and arts and crafts projects.

d. Skin Whitening:
Alum can be used as a skin whitening agent to lighten the skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots or blemishes. It can be applied topically or incorporated into skincare products.

e. Toothpaste Ingredient:
Some toothpaste brands use alum as a primary ingredient due to its plaque control and oral health benefits.

Side Effects:
While alum offers numerous benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects. These may include dry skin, irritation, dizziness, throat tightness, fluid accumulation around the eyes, skin irritation and hives, allergic reactions, water retention and puffy face, skin ulcers, and throat swelling with breathing difficulties.

It is significani that Alum, with its diverse properties and wide range of uses, proves to be a versatile substance. From its medicinal benefits in treating various ailments to its applications in water purification, artistic endeavors, and personal care products, alum continues to find its place in different domains. However, it is important to exercise caution and seek medical advice to avoid any potential side effects.

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