Miles to Go...

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 17th Mar 2020 | VNI स्पेशल
New Delhi,March 17,(shobhna jain/VNI) The other day I was listening to Pakistani lyricist Shoaib Mansoor 's 'Dua-e Reem' - A Prayer For All Women ,a version of famous Urdu Shair Allana Iqbal's iconic nazm (poem) 'Lab pe aati h ai dua ban ke tamanna meri" (my desires come to my lip like a prayer). Shoaib Mansoor has transformed this prayer of children into prayer of a bride, his version of 'Dua Song' highlights the problematic gender roles women are often confined to,and highlighting the importance of creating a balance between both genders in a marriage.The song exquisitely depicts a wedding ceremony set in the era of 1940s, where the Bride’s family sings a special ‘dua’ for her. Song was being sung by a group of third gender singers in which "wife's duties".were described as 'She should obey her husband even if he thrashes her, it is her duty to feel relieved - Sikhna Gali Kha ke Muskarana Mujhko " every women who was present in the hall, had tears in her eyes while listening to the song, most of them were middle aged women perhaps , who had sad stories of bad marriages.Suddenly young bride to be stood up and said " why are you singing such Haulnak Dua (atrocious prayer), Ham Apni Dua khud gayenge' and began to sing ,she wants an equal partner in marriage"Mera Iman ho Shauhar se Mohabbat karna, Na Eta’at,Na gulami, Na Ibadat Karna" (to love my husband should be my conviction, no worship, slavery or total submission) this was a song about dreams, a dream for marching together towards bright future a and suddenly all ladies who had earlier tears in their eyes while listening the " Old Dua", began to smile, tears were still there in their eyes but this time tears of happiness, ray of hope to the wounded souls for a beautiful relationship of equality in marriage. Today Women are effectively trying to make their space in society with their determination, active participation and with their leadership qualities, It had been really a long and difficult journey but it can be said they have arrived at a juncture which can be termed "satisfactory" ,but still have a long way to go... there is still a lot that needs to be done for Women Empowerment.We should keep in mind there are two forms of empowerment, economic empowerment and political empowerment. Domestic violence still haunts the society but scenario is changing gradually.Today we find women achievers in almost every field , be it post of PM or Women in Army. Although they are termed as "Adhi Aabadi" but like other fields,their participation in work force , specially in leadership roles are very minimal ,In political representation too same dismal scenario exists. In financial front also they have very limited opportunities. Although there representation in work force is increasing slowly but their representation in Board Room is still very dismal ( 13.8% ).Encouraging part is that we have Indira Nooni and many other women professionals who are heading the prestigious companies . If we talk about social indicators, their health and social indicators are also cause of worry.Work place does not facilitate that conducive atmosphere where they can contribute to their full potential.Conducive atmosphere at work place, special facilities for women will definitely increase their numbers that are much needed . Another disturbing scene is of violence against women and related issue of Women Safety. Whether its violence on road or home situation is cause of worry. And most importantly patriarchy system is still dominating our social set up but kudos to them, in spite of irritants and barriers, they are charting their own way.Today we have largest number. of Lok Sabha lady members i.e 14.4%,(78) but women candidates number is not encouraging at all, still long way to go in this area also .Women reservation bill for ensuring 33% reservation for women in parliament and state legislatures are still pending in parliament since 200

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