Awards for model teachers to fill learning gaps

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 27th Mar 2018 | VNI स्पेशल

New Delhi, March 27 (VNI) In a unique initiative South Delhi Municipal Corporation yesterday gave awards to 14 model teachers for adopting innovative teaching techniques to deal with existing learning gaps in primary education system. These model teachers were trained by Society for All Round Development( SARD), NGO which along wiith Michael and Susan Dell foundation

(MSDF), evolved different teaching techniques to focus on Hindi and Mathematics.

According to press statement SDMC Mayor Kamaljeet  Sehrawat who gave awards to these teachers, said that there is an urgent need to enhance the quality of teachers who in turn can improve the quality of students . “ It is necessary to motivate teachers to boost their morale and improve their performance as is done in case of children”, she said and added that good teacher can help children excel in studies. SARD teacher learning training has helped these teacher to improve in their teaching methods.

Society for All Round Development ( SARD) CEO Sudhir Bhatnagar said that the objective of adopting innovative teaching practices was to build capacity of teachers from pedagogy perspective. He informed that SARD piloted a unique model of teacher trainer for the first time in the country. A team of 30 highly qualified experts from SARD worked in 250 primary schools and conducted sessions. Covering more than 50 per cent of the primary school teachers, these trainings were conducted in schools .“ This ensured continuous follow up and follow on of the trainings. These trainers were able to address several issues like weak skills and misconceptions of teachers”, he said.

SDMC chairman Education Committee, Sunil Sehdev appreciated the efforts of SARD and MSDF teaching practices and suggested that capacity building of more teachers should be done to improve the quality education in primary schools.

MSDF India Country Director, Geeta  Goel said that focus should be on child education so that children should become more empowered. “ With SARD, the focus has always been on pedagogical aspects of education and use of innovative methods to address the existing learning gaps in children, to prevent school drop outs and ensure high quality education in schools. SARD has also been successful in developing different models across states.”VNI

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