Jain Muni Acharya Shri Sunil Sagar Ji Emphasizes Non-Violence and Harmony in Society

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 2nd Jul 2023 | VNI स्पेशल

New Delhi, July 2 (VNI) Jain Muni Acharya Shri Sunil Sagar Ji  has expressed his concern for growing intolerance in society. He stressed the principles of non-violence, tolerance, and peace as fundamental pillars of the JAIN community. Acharya Shri Sunil Sagar Ji urged people to embrace the philosophy of "Anekantvad" ( doctrine non-absolutism) from Jainism, which promotes respect for diverse beliefs and ideologies.

During the inauguration of the Chaturmas ceremony at the Rishabh Vihar Jain Temple, Acharya Shri Sunil Sagar Ji, accompanied by a congregation of 51 Munis , kshullak jis, sadhwijees etc emphasized the importance of social harmony.  while   delivering a powerful sermon at the  Temple, He stated that non-violence is not only a core principle of Jainism but also an integral part of the Indian ethos. He said AHIMSA PARMO DHARMA is basic  mantra of jainism but also  of the  country thats  the spirit of VASUDHAIV KUTUMBKAM.He urged individuals to coexist peacefully, similar to a lion and a goat quenching their thirst from the same river. The revered Acharya ji emphasized the need to strengthen this spirit of harmony in society for the progress of the nation. 

Acharya Shri Sunil Sagar Ji expressed his concerns about the  controversial news of religious conversions and emphasized the need for a transformation of hearts rather than focusing solely on religion. He highlighted that the Indian mindset has always respected all religions and embraced communal harmony for centuries. He called for honoring and respecting each other's faiths, breaking down divisive walls, and discarding narrow-mindedness. By embracing inclusive thinking, the nation can progress and prosper rapidly.

Achaya ji also addressed the controversy surrounding Pichhi used by Jain saints and nuns. He expressed disappointment and questioned the assumption that these peaceful individuals would engage in any form of  Ahimsa. Acharya Shri Sunil Sagar Ji clarified that these pIchhis  are made from  peacock feathers that naturally shed from peacocks during the monsoon season. Furthermore, Jaina Munis and sadhwijis take great care to clean the ground beneath them to prevent inadvertently harming any ants or insects. He called for a more informed and understanding approach from all stakeholders, including the government, to dispel misconceptions and halt misleading propaganda.

Acharya Shri Sunil Sagar Ji's teachings emphasize the significance of non-violence, tolerance, and harmony in society. His message aligns with the core values of Jainism and the broader Indian culture, emphasizing the importance of respecting all religions and fostering unity. By embracing these principles and working towards a transformation of hearts, society can overcome intolerance and division, paving the way for a prosperous and inclusive future.

The General Secretary of Shree Digambar Jain Sabha Rishabh Vihar,   MR.  Vipul Jain  said we are planning tocelebrate the  conclusion of  Bhagwan Mahavir  2550 Nirvana Day celebrations . The Sabha aims to organize a divine and grand event involving the entire Jain society nationwide. The Jain community is encouraged to join this program and embrace Lord Mahavir's teachings of peace and compassion. Together, they aim to honor his legacy and promote harmony in society. Mr.Sharad Jain from Sandhya Mahalakshmi highlighted the relevance of Lord Mahavir's non-violence principle in today's world. promote harmony in society.(VNI)

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