there is no chance that Trump will succeed in his attempt to overturn the will of the people.

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 23rd Nov 2020 | देश

Trump is yet to concede, clinging on to hope that he can somehow miraculously hold on to power despite losing by a huge margin. However, with even his Republican allies at state and local levels refusing to help him, there is no chance that Trump will succeed in his attempt to overturn the will of the people.

But, unfortunately, Trump’s unfounded accusations of election fraud and his refusal to concede have no doubt sullied the spirit of the American democracy, which has always prided itself on smooth and orderly transition of power. The outgoing president is also dragging down the Republican Party, whose leaders largely have stood by him.

The president has suffered defeats in a string of court cases — many of which were absurd and farcical — and even many GOP election officials in states and at local jurisdictions have refused angry demands via Twitter to nullify the election results. What these legal and political defeats prove is that the world’s oldest democracy is going to pass the most intense stress test it was subjected to thus far with flying colours.

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