Today in history

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 10th Aug 2021 | देश

Khemchand Prakash was a music composer in the Hindi film industry. He had few peers in 1940s, the decade for Indian film music which started with Saigal very active on the scene and ended with Lata Mangeshkar firmly established in the industry. 

Died10 August 1950, Mumbai



Saraswati Devi, born Khorshed Minocher-Homji, was an Indian director of music and score composer who worked in Hindi cinema in the 1930s and 1940s. She is most noted for her score, Mein Ban ki Chiriyra Banke Bun Bun Bolun Re in Bombay Talkies's Achut Kanya. 

Died: 10 AUGUST 1980, Mumbai










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