Golden Age of Hindi cinema

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 20th Jun 2021 | देश

New delhi 20-06-2021, sunil kumar ,VNI


Golden Age (late 1940s–1960s) The period from the late 1940s to the early 1960s, after India's independence, is regarded by film historians as theGolden Age of Hindi cinema. Some of the most critically acclaimed Hindi films of all time were produced during this time.

Dadasaheb Phalke's silent Raja Harishchandra (1913) is the first feature film made in India. By the 1930s, the industry was producing over 200 films per year. The first Indian sound film, Ardeshir Irani's Alam Ara (1931), was commercially successful. With a great demand for talkies and musicals, Bollywood and the other regional film industries quickly switched to sound films.=

K.asif,Mehboob khan,Vimal roy,Raj kapoor ,B.R.Chopra ,V.Shantaram,A.R.Kirdar ,Kedar Sharma   and Rishikesh mukherji  were Some of the great film makers of golden age 








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