By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 9th Jun 2021 | देश

New delhi 09-06-2021,sunil kumar ,VNI



The term 'box office' originated in Elizabethan era, when affluent people would sit in private 'boxes' to watch theatre. Tickets for boxes were sold at an 'office', called box office. ... In contemporary times, 'box office collection' means earnings generated by ticket sales after a film's release.




Balconies or galleries: one or more raised seating platforms towards the rear of the auditorium. In larger theaters, multiple levels are stacked vertically above or behind the stalls. The first level is usually called the dress circle or grand circle. .*********************



CIRCLE STALL-. The whole of the upper floor is called the circle and the lower floor is the stalls.*



projection booth , projection box  is a room or enclosure for the machinery required for the display of movies on a reflective screen, located high on the back wall of the presentation space. It is common in a movie theater.








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