By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 24th Jun 2021 | देश

ANTI-HERO IN BOLLYWOOD New delhi 24-06-2021 ,sunil kumar ,VNI





Anti-hero, a protagonist of a drama or narrative who is notably lacking in heroic qualities. ... This type of character has appeared in literature since the time of the Greek dramatists and can be found in the literary works of all nations.*


Anti-heroes in Shakespeare's Plays

Anti-heroes come about as a result of their own or others' villainous acts. Anti-heroes include Shylock and Richard III as products of their own villainy, and Othello and King Lear as a result of Iago and Edmund's villainous acts.



He jumps fearlessly into the moving vehicle, ready to save the girl. His fist lands square on one of the thug’s face, he kicks the other one out of the car. By the end, he has saved the girl, the day, and killed the bad guys. He is our Bollywood hero, or at least the picture of him that has occupied our minds for the greater share of Indian cinema. But as our cinema grew ahead in time, it also did so in vision. No longer are all the characters at the extreme ends of the colour spectrum. With Bollywood inviting in new heights, it has also invited in “the grey”, the anti-villains of our movie industry.


सम्बंधित खबरें

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