The Bombay High Court Thursday adjourned Kangana Ranaut’s office demolition matter till September 22 after the actor’s lawyer sought time to respond to the affidavit filed by Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). The BMC today filed a reply in the court to the plea filed by actor Kangana Ranaut challenging the civic body’s partial demolition of her Pali Hill office. The court Wednesday stayed the demolition of alleged unauthorised structures at the office, hours after the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) had started the exercise.
The BMC team had arrived at Ranaut’s office in Bandra West around 10.30 am, and claimed to have demolished almost 75 per cent of the “unauthorised” additions and extensions by the time the court stay came after noon. The rest would be razed after the High Court stay is vacated, officials said.
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