Today in History:Gandhi’s Dandi March- Salt for Freedom

By VNI India | Posted on 12th Mar 2025 | देश

New Delhi 12 March (VNI)The dawn of March 12, 1930, witnessed an extraordinary moment in India's freedom struggle as Mahatma Gandhi set out on the historic Dandi March. This journey, spanning 24 days and covering approximately 240 miles from Sabarmati Ashram to the coastal village of Dandi, was not just a physical march but a symbolic act of resistance against British rule. With 78 dedicated followers, Gandhi embarked on a path that would ignite the Civil Disobedience Movement and alter the course of India's fight for independence.

The British salt tax was an unjust law that placed a heavy burden on the common people, making even the most basic necessity—salt—an item of exploitation. By undertaking this march, Gandhi sought to challenge the oppressive colonial policies through nonviolent resistance. As he walked through villages and towns, his message of self-reliance and defiance against tyranny spread like wildfire, drawing thousands to the cause. The journey was not merely about salt; it became a powerful statement of India's collective determination to break free from foreign rule.

On April 6, 1930, after weeks of relentless walking, Gandhi reached Dandi and symbolically picked up a handful of salt, openly defying British law. This simple yet profound act shook the foundations of the British Empire. The movement gained momentum, leading to mass protests, arrests, and a surge of nationalist fervor across the country. The Dandi March was more than an event; it was the spark that reignited the spirit of self-rule, proving that peaceful resistance could be mightier than any empire.

Even today, the legacy of the Dandi March continues to inspire movements for justice and equality worldwide. Gandhi's unwavering commitment to nonviolence and truth remains a guiding light, reminding the world that great changes begin with small yet resolute steps.

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