Prisoners in Hungary Jail are entering the world of Indian Yoga

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 17th Jun 2016 | देश
Budapest/New Delhi, Hungary, 17 June (Shobhna Jain/VNI): Located thousands miles away from India, an Indian Yoga training camp is being organized from today in the Budapest Central Jail of Hungary to relieve the prisoners of their stress, provide them positive energy and keep their body and mind in a healthy frame. Organized by the trained Yoga instructors, the camp is likely to be attended by jail officials besides the prisoners. The Indian Ambassador in Hungary, Mr. Rahul Chhabra, told VNI on phone that the camp is being organized on the occasion of the International Yoga Day and the Ganges-Danube Cultural Function. This event will be organized in Budapest and nine other cities of Hungary besides three cities in the neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina. Union Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Mahesh Sharma will inaugurate the grand event. In Hungary, the three-day function is being kicked off from tomorrow while in Bosnia-Herzegovina, it will be held during June 25-26. Mr. Chhabra said the event, in fact, would be a confluence of the cultures of the two countries. The Holy Ganga river of India and the Danube flowing in Hungary, the second biggest river in Europe, are building a shared bridge between their rich and illustrious cultures, civilizations and values. The objective of such an event is to make people aware of the ancient civilization of India and the multifaceted development of the modern India which will deepen the bonds and unify the links between the two countries. Renowned Indian painter Amrita Shergill was born to a Hungarian mother in Budapest. There is an art gallery and a cultural centre in Hungary in her name. Mr Chhabra informed that such an event is being held for the first time in Hungary which will showcase the rainbow hues of a rich and variegated Indian art and culture. Indian classical music, dance and culinary specialties will be the major features of this event. India’s celebrated Kathak dancer Shovana Narayan will be among some noted artists who have consented for their association with the event. “Definitely, people of Hungary will get an opportunity to learn the intricacies of India’s yoga system. Besides the jail, such yoga camps will be held at several public places, which are expected to witness the participation of a large number of local people. Famous Indian dances like Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Odissi and Kuchipudi, besides Indian music, well-known martial arts, Kalaripayattu,, rajsthan folk dance Kalbelia, folk arts, and a fashion show for Khadi apparel, will also be shown. The local people will learn the Indian philosophy associated with Khadi, which is the soul and spirit of India. Also, a programme has been scheduled to provide free medical consultation to them through the Ayurveda wellness system,” he added. A Hungarian visitor to India, who is highly impressed by the Indian culture, philosophy and culinary delights, said for sure, such an event would definitely provide a unique opportunity to the people of Hungary to have a firsthand experience of the Indian culture. Not only Indian Yoga, classical dances, music and the various facets of a modern and progressive India but also culinary delights like Biryani, Kebab and Rassogullas will be major attractions for the local people.VNI
सम्बंधित खबरें

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