PM Modi reaches Mexico on final leg of 5-nation tour

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 9th Jun 2016 | देश
Mexico City 9 June (VNI)Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Mexico today on the final leg of his five-nation tour He was received by Mexico's Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas. He was welcomed by the Indian population in mexico city , PM Modi, who arrived here from the US, will hold talks with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on key bilateral issues including India’s NSG membership bid. In a Press Statement PM said " we are meeting for the third time in last two years. I truly value your friendship Mr. President. We have agreed to develop a roadmap of concrete outcomes to upgrade our ties to a Strategic Partnership Mexico an important partner for India's energy security. We are looking to move beyond buyer-seller relationship & into a long-term partnership " . PM Modi had also said ahead of his five nation tour that also took him to Afghanistan, Qatar, Switzerland and the US. “I look forward to meeting President Peña Nieto on June 8 during my visit to Mexico, a privileged partner in the Latin American region,”he also said “President Peña Nieto has ushered in far reaching reforms. I look forward to sharing our experiences. This is the first Prime Ministerial bilateral visit to Mexico after 30 years. Though short, the visit has a substantial agenda to take our partnership to new heights,” This is the first bilateral visit by an Indian Prime Minister after 1986 when then PM Rajiv Gandhi had visited that country. In 2012, then PM Manmohan Singh had visited Mexico to attend the G20 summit.
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