A champion of equality, K.R. Narayanan’s legacy endures forever

By VNI India | Posted on 9th Nov 2024 | देश

 New Delhi 9 November (VNI)Shri K.R. Narayanan, the 10th President of India, was a respected leader known for his dedication to equality and social justice. Born on 27 October 1920, he rose from humble beginnings to become a diplomat, politician, and finally, the President of India from 1997 to 2002. Narayanan was widely respected for his intellectual depth and commitment to the values of the Constitution.

During his tenure, he emphasized the need for inclusive growth and equal opportunities for all sections of society. His presidency is often remembered for his firm stance on upholding secularism and democratic values. On 9 November 2005, Shri K.R. Narayanan passed away, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire future generations.

सम्बंधित खबरें

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