Today in History:Heroes of December 13, never forgotten

By VNI India | Posted on 13th Dec 2024 | देश

New Delhi   13 Dec  (VNI) On December 13, 2001, several brave individuals made the ultimate sacrifice while defending the Indian Parliament during a terrorist attack. The attack was aimed at the heart of Indian democracy, but the courage and determination of Indian security forces and Parliament staff thwarted the assailants' plans.

On that fateful day, terrorists launched a deadly attack outside the Parliament building, but security personnel and employees risked their lives to stop them. Among the martyrs were Delhi Police officers, Parliament security staff, and other security forces who displayed extraordinary bravery in the face of imminent danger. Their efforts not only thwarted the attackers but also showcased that India would never bow down to terrorism.

This tragic incident remains a dark day in the history of Indian democracy, but the sacrifices of the fallen heroes remind us that citizens will always stand ready to defend the nation. December 13 is a day to honor those who gave their lives to protect the Indian Parliament and the values it stands for.

सम्बंधित खबरें

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