This Ambassador's official vehicle is-An Auto

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 14th Jul 2016 | देश
New Delhi, July 14(VNI) An elegant white auto with floral design on its canvas top ,is the first thing which will attract your attraction, the moment you enter embassy of Mexico in Delhi . An unique scene indeed ! Auto is bearing a diplomatic number plate and the country’s name' Mexico' emblazoned across the metal fenders with Mexican flag fluttering in the breeze. Suddenly a beautiful lady emerges from the embassy building and turns towards auto and the driver in suit standing near auto respectfully receives lady to occupy back seat of auto and auto zooms off. This is not an ordinary auto but an unusual choice of official vehicle for Mexican Ambassador to India Melba Pria, who is using this auto instead of swanky car for the last six months as an official vehicle Curious onlookers on road wonder who is riding on this unique auto? security agencies too find it unusual,but Ambassador is unfazed she considers it the auto rickshaw as a most efficient means of transport. and above all she finds it a wonderful way to promote her 'beautiful country ' For the last six months, she has been travelling across Delhi to attend official meetings meetings on this three-wheeler, with the registration number ending with 1A that marks it as her official vehicle. and as soon as she alights from her auto for official meetings protocol officials welcome the Ambassador alighting from the auto, and in this case they dont do the exercise of opening the doors of car of the ambassador.VNI
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