Crying papa Obama at daughters graduation ceremony

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 13th Jun 2016 | देश
Washington, June 13,(VNI) -Crying Papa, Barack Obama ! President Barak Obama got emotional at the graduation ceremony of his elder daughter Malia..Before going for ceremony he said "I'm going to be wearing dark glasses...and I'm going to cry." True to his words, Papa Obama was clickeded by guests at Sidwell Friends School wearing dark glasses Obama joked that Malia's graduation was the one event where he could not give an address.He was accompanied by First Lady Michelle Obama, Malia and his youngest daughter Sasha .Malia was 10 years old when Obama entered office, almost eight years ago. She is expected to attend Harvard in 2017, after a gap year. Earlier this year Obama shared his thoughts and feelings about his daughter Malia and said he gets sad at thinking that she would soon fly the nest.

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