Music director Madan mohan who was born on 25 june 1924

By Shobhna Jain | Posted on 24th Jun 2019 | मनोरंजन


New delhi 24-06-2019,sunil kumar ,VNI 

Madan Mohan Kohli (25 June 1924 – 14 July 1975), better known as Madan Mohan, was a popular and unparalleled Indian music director of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. He is considered one of the most melodious and skilled music directors of the Hindi film industry. He is particularly remembered for the immortal ghazals he composed for Hindi films. == Over a career span of 25 years (1950 – 1975), Madan Mohan composed music for 95 released Hindi films and 12 shelved films. These 100 plus films featured almost 700 songs, many of which are remembered to this day while some have been lost over the years. He was extremely versatile, but he is best remembered for his ghazals, pathos-laden songs and classical based songs due to their immense popularity. His songs with Lata Mangeshkar in particular have become a part of Indian Film Music history. 

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